Friday, February 8, 2013


My (Andrees) personal view: I know Gobinda and his family personally. He likes to laughs and the people who where trekking with him like him very much. He speaks very well English and don't mind to carry a part of your luggage :-). Being a relative of my friend Prem he knows well the new NATT-trails . he has also been to the tilicho lake. 
additional Photo1 , Photo 2  
Bede Brown wrote 2011: My friend Mike and I are from New Zealand and we were lucky enough to have Gobinda as a guide up to Annapurna Base Camp in Dec 2010. Gobinda was everything we wanted from a guide - he speaks excellent English; his approach was flexible to our requirements; he is very knowledgeable about the area and the finer details relating to both the trek and each guesthouse; he was happy to engage in conversation on all sorts of topics and equally happy just to take in the scenery - he even sang us a few songs along the journey. I felt with Gobinda that his top priority at all times was our well being and enjoyment.
 I have no hesitations in strongly recommending Gobinda as a guide. By the end of the trip I would consider him a friend and he was gracious enough to have Mike and I over for dinner at his house with his family after the trip. Gobinda has a wonderful presence about him, took better photos than either of us and you could tell he was well liked by all the guesthouse hosts.
Cheers, Bede Brown
Ulrich Wild  wrote (2012): As a member of a 17-person Group I made the Annapurna-Trek in the time between 16.March and 8.April 2012. Our local manager and leader of the guides and porters was Gobinda Rai. Helped by best weather, the good organization and the very friendly comrades from Nepal our group enjoyed a very nice and impressive Annapurna-Trek and an unforgettable holiday. Gobinda and his team planned good stages every day, so that no one was over strained and we could have a lot of impressions of the mountains, the country, the nature, the people and the foreign culture. The leader and his guide-team had always an open ear for the wishes of the group, also there was help by little problems. The porters carried our baggage reliable and took a lot of pains. So we all were a friendly team all these days and learned about each other every day. At last the parting was not easy, losing nice trekking-comrades, which we gladly remember. May be, we meet us again in future.
Ulrich Wild Germany
Li-wen Wang and Bas lohmeijer from Taiwan
 Wir waren vom 6. bis zum 27. November 2010 in Nepal unterwegs, zusammen mit Bergführer Govinda Rai und Träger Sukhra Rai, auf dem Annapurna-Circuit. Es ist eine Reise gewesen um nie wieder zu vergessen, so ungeheuer schön die Landschaft und so freundlich die Leute. Viel haben wir Govinda zu danken: seine Leidenschaft für das Wandern, die Kentnisse über alles, was wir unterwegs begegnet haben (alle Pflanze, Tiere, Bergen, Flüße konnte er benennen und irgendwelche Geschichten darüber erzählen) und genauso wichtig die bessere Lodges (inkl. 'hot shower' oder tatopani) mit exzellenter Küche (keine Probleme mit Durchfall!) hat er uns immer sicher zum Ziel gebracht. Ein sehr sympatischer Mensch, der sich enorm um uns gekümmert hat: er konnte unsere Limitierungen besser einschätzen als wir selbst, und seine Vorschläge für Umwege und Akklimatisierungswanderungen waren durchaus Klasse Ausflüge (IceLake bei Brakha als absoluter Highlight). Von vielen (einheimischen) Leute haben wir mitgekriegt, daß er ein erfahrener und sehr geschätzter Bergführer ist - können wir nur bestätigen. Er verfügt über die richtige Papiere - was ihm 4 Jahre gekostet hat. Er spricht prima Englisch und ein bißchen deutsch. Für mich persönlich war der Privat-Nepali-Unterricht super - mit sowohl Wörter und Phrasen als auch Lieder und Gesang. Auch wichtig ist, daß man ihm ohne Ende vertrauen kann: wir hatten abgesprochen erst nach Ankunft in Nepal zu zahlen. Am Abend nach Ankunft in Kathmandu haben wir das gleich in Ordnung gemacht. Obwohl er genausogut mit al dem Geld verschwunden hätte können, stand er am nächsten Morgen wie versprochen da. Die Zeit in Nepal mit Govinda und Sukhra war ein Traum. Bei Fragen können Sie sich direkt mit ihm in Verbindung setzen (email:, ggf. kontaktieren Sie mich, wenn Sie sich mehr Informationen zu Govinda wünschen.
Angehängt ist noch ein Bild von ihm, das wir gemacht haben...  Für weitere Rückfragen stehen wir jederzeit sehr gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit besten Grüße, 

Li-Wen Wang & Bas Lohmeijer
Alison bond from Layton/Utah USA.
I trekked the Annapurna Circuit with Gobinda in April-May 2011.  I couldn't have asked for a better guide.  I talked with other trekkers and watched other guides.  It was apparent that many weren't interested in trekking with their clients, teaching them about Nepal or getting to know them. Gobinda was the opposite.  He trekked with us, told us information about the country and we all got to know each other.  I believe Gobinda knows many proprietors along the circuit, because we always had great lodgings with nice rooms and good food.  I feel like I will always have a friend in Nepal.  I recommend Gobinda 100%.
Sim Lee from Malaysia recommend guide Gobinda Rai, Pokhara
We went trekking in Nepal in March 2011. We were on a 5 day trek up Poon hill. Our guide, Gobinda Rai, was very responsible and patient. He could speak English well too and he is very helpful and always he consider about  client's interest and want so if somebody thinking about to do trek or tour in Nepal then highly i recommend to Mr Gobinda rai is best Mountains guide and trek and tour organizer in Nepal who is well experience about the first Aid,avoid from the mountain sickness and good knowledge for the Nepalese caste,culture and society.


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