Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Three passes trek in Everest region.

Three passes trek is one of the unique trekking route in Everest region.this route is extremely becoming popular in these days due to spectacular view of high Himalayan range include some of the top ten mountains of the world like  mount Everest 8848m,mount Lhotse 8516m., mount Makalu 8463m. and cho oyu 8201m. Three passes trekking route not only command to see above high mountains but also offers to view other beautiful peaks named Pumori,Amadablam,Cholatse,khungtega and labuche,thamserku etc.specially this trekking route is designed for who want to do challenging or strenuous trekking in high Himalaya therefore who doing this trek need to cross chola pass5420m. , kongma-la pass 5535 m. and renjola pass 5338m. this region is known as inhabitant of Sherpa caste who following the Buddhism so along the trek trekkers can see the colorful prayer flags,Mani walls and also trekkers explore the old monasteries that carries rising history of Buddhism in khumbu region.along the trek trekkers can enjoy with fifth highest lake of the world known as Gokyo lake and matchless view of kalapathar means  hill of black rock.Sherpa people-is one of the ethnic group of Nepal among the 102 different caste, has own language,culture and traditions and following the Buddhist religion.in the past,they lived eastern part of nepal but in these days they migrate all part of Nepal so in khumbu region also trekkers can visit Sherpa village and to get chances to learn about their society,life style and the culture. festival of Sherpa people- Manirimdu-- festival is one the main and famous festival in khumbu region which is especially celebrated in the monastery of the tengboche,Thami and chiwang village.according to history Mani rimdu is celebrated first time in 1930 at the rongbukh monastery in Tibet is the place where this festival is originated.the festival start right after the full moon of autumn.in this festival,the monks,with elaborate mask and  costumes on and perform a series of ritualistic dances of the triumph of Buddhism over born,the ancient religion of Tibet. on the first day of this festival monks from monastery pray in the country yard and second day the lama will dance with brocade gowns and wonderful painted-mouth masks.throughout the dances ,symbolic demons are conquered,dispelled or subdued.
the demons representing the inner hatred,greed and ignorance is overcome through meditation.at the end of the ceremonies monks perfom the sacred mask dances known as "cham" include some dramatic interludes intended at delighting the crowds.in this festival the Sherpa people from all over the khumbu region will attend and enjoy all together at monastery
Dumje festival-this festival was started in 1971 at kyilkhor-digma and in samten-choaling monastery in 1998.dumje festival also an important festival in Sherpa community. in this festival the monks will performed the trantik dances of guru tsengye(the eight different aspects of guru rimpochhe and padmasanbhava in junbesi monastery on annually in January.it is primary objective is to subdue all the evils spirits that harm sentient the demonic forces,hindrances and evil spirits on the one hand and to appease the high gods on the other.
Dhudkunda festival- dudhkunda festival is not only for Sherpa people but also famous for the other ethnic groups.it is celebrated in mid august to mid September at the dudhkund lake.the lake get it's name literally "milk lake" from its pale,glacier-fed waters.according to legend and myths the creative of lingam of the lord Shiva stand up the corner of the lake so who don't have the child then if they visit with empty of cradle and pray to the shivalinga then they believe will get child.How to get there?-Trekking will start from lukla so the most common ways to get lukla from Kathmandu are 1/ flight Tribhuwan international air port to lukla or drive to jiri village and 2/3 days walk up to Lukla..............................................
Day 1 / arrival in kathmandu and transfer to hotel
Day 2 / sightseeing in historical places in kathmandu valley and bhaktapur city
Day 3 / fly to lukla 2840 m. and hike  to phakding 2800m / 4 hrs
Day 4 / trek to Namche bazzar 3400m. /6 hrs
Day 5 / acclimatization day
Day 6 / trek to tengboche 3860m./4 hrs
Day 7 / trek to dingboche 4350m./ 4 hrs
day 8 / trek to Amadablam base camp for acclimatization
Day 9 / trek to chhukung 4743m./4 hrs
Day 10 / trek to kongma-la base camp 5000m. 4 hrs need tent
Day 11 / trek over the kongma-la pass 5535m. and trek to lobuche 4930m/ 6 hrs
Day 12 / trek to EBC 5400m. and back to Gorakshep 5170m / 7 hrs
Day 13 / trek to kalapathar 5545m/ and trek to dzongla 8 hrs
Day 14 / trek over the chola pass 5420m and trek to dranag / 7 hrs
Day 15 / trek to Gokyo /4 hrs
Day 16/ trek to gokyo peak / 4 hrs
Day 17 / trek over the renjola pass 5338m. trek to arye / 8/ hrs
Day 18 / sight trip to glaciers view point
Day 19 / trek to thame 6hrs
Day 20 / trek to monjo 6 hrs
Day 21 / trek to Lukla 5 hrs
Day 22 / fly back to Kathmandu
Day 23 / rest and shopping day
Day 24 / fly back to home.
note-above itinerary and trekking days are possible to change,will depend on client's interest and time.
Contact me at -gobinmumhong@hotmail.com
cell phone-+9779846202469
facebook - gobinda rai

Friday, February 8, 2013


My (Andrees) personal view: I know Gobinda and his family personally. He likes to laughs and the people who where trekking with him like him very much. He speaks very well English and don't mind to carry a part of your luggage :-). Being a relative of my friend Prem he knows well the new NATT-trails . he has also been to the tilicho lake. 
additional Photo1 , Photo 2  
Bede Brown wrote 2011: My friend Mike and I are from New Zealand and we were lucky enough to have Gobinda as a guide up to Annapurna Base Camp in Dec 2010. Gobinda was everything we wanted from a guide - he speaks excellent English; his approach was flexible to our requirements; he is very knowledgeable about the area and the finer details relating to both the trek and each guesthouse; he was happy to engage in conversation on all sorts of topics and equally happy just to take in the scenery - he even sang us a few songs along the journey. I felt with Gobinda that his top priority at all times was our well being and enjoyment.
 I have no hesitations in strongly recommending Gobinda as a guide. By the end of the trip I would consider him a friend and he was gracious enough to have Mike and I over for dinner at his house with his family after the trip. Gobinda has a wonderful presence about him, took better photos than either of us and you could tell he was well liked by all the guesthouse hosts.
Cheers, Bede Brown
Ulrich Wild  wrote (2012): As a member of a 17-person Group I made the Annapurna-Trek in the time between 16.March and 8.April 2012. Our local manager and leader of the guides and porters was Gobinda Rai. Helped by best weather, the good organization and the very friendly comrades from Nepal our group enjoyed a very nice and impressive Annapurna-Trek and an unforgettable holiday. Gobinda and his team planned good stages every day, so that no one was over strained and we could have a lot of impressions of the mountains, the country, the nature, the people and the foreign culture. The leader and his guide-team had always an open ear for the wishes of the group, also there was help by little problems. The porters carried our baggage reliable and took a lot of pains. So we all were a friendly team all these days and learned about each other every day. At last the parting was not easy, losing nice trekking-comrades, which we gladly remember. May be, we meet us again in future.
Ulrich Wild Germany
Li-wen Wang and Bas lohmeijer from Taiwan
 Wir waren vom 6. bis zum 27. November 2010 in Nepal unterwegs, zusammen mit Bergführer Govinda Rai und Träger Sukhra Rai, auf dem Annapurna-Circuit. Es ist eine Reise gewesen um nie wieder zu vergessen, so ungeheuer schön die Landschaft und so freundlich die Leute. Viel haben wir Govinda zu danken: seine Leidenschaft für das Wandern, die Kentnisse über alles, was wir unterwegs begegnet haben (alle Pflanze, Tiere, Bergen, Flüße konnte er benennen und irgendwelche Geschichten darüber erzählen) und genauso wichtig die bessere Lodges (inkl. 'hot shower' oder tatopani) mit exzellenter Küche (keine Probleme mit Durchfall!) hat er uns immer sicher zum Ziel gebracht. Ein sehr sympatischer Mensch, der sich enorm um uns gekümmert hat: er konnte unsere Limitierungen besser einschätzen als wir selbst, und seine Vorschläge für Umwege und Akklimatisierungswanderungen waren durchaus Klasse Ausflüge (IceLake bei Brakha als absoluter Highlight). Von vielen (einheimischen) Leute haben wir mitgekriegt, daß er ein erfahrener und sehr geschätzter Bergführer ist - können wir nur bestätigen. Er verfügt über die richtige Papiere - was ihm 4 Jahre gekostet hat. Er spricht prima Englisch und ein bißchen deutsch. Für mich persönlich war der Privat-Nepali-Unterricht super - mit sowohl Wörter und Phrasen als auch Lieder und Gesang. Auch wichtig ist, daß man ihm ohne Ende vertrauen kann: wir hatten abgesprochen erst nach Ankunft in Nepal zu zahlen. Am Abend nach Ankunft in Kathmandu haben wir das gleich in Ordnung gemacht. Obwohl er genausogut mit al dem Geld verschwunden hätte können, stand er am nächsten Morgen wie versprochen da. Die Zeit in Nepal mit Govinda und Sukhra war ein Traum. Bei Fragen können Sie sich direkt mit ihm in Verbindung setzen (email:  gobinmumhong@hotmail.com), ggf. kontaktieren Sie mich, wenn Sie sich mehr Informationen zu Govinda wünschen.
Angehängt ist noch ein Bild von ihm, das wir gemacht haben...  Für weitere Rückfragen stehen wir jederzeit sehr gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit besten Grüße, 

Li-Wen Wang & Bas Lohmeijer
Alison bond from Layton/Utah USA.
I trekked the Annapurna Circuit with Gobinda in April-May 2011.  I couldn't have asked for a better guide.  I talked with other trekkers and watched other guides.  It was apparent that many weren't interested in trekking with their clients, teaching them about Nepal or getting to know them. Gobinda was the opposite.  He trekked with us, told us information about the country and we all got to know each other.  I believe Gobinda knows many proprietors along the circuit, because we always had great lodgings with nice rooms and good food.  I feel like I will always have a friend in Nepal.  I recommend Gobinda 100%.
Sim Lee from Malaysia recommend guide Gobinda Rai, Pokhara
We went trekking in Nepal in March 2011. We were on a 5 day trek up Poon hill. Our guide, Gobinda Rai, was very responsible and patient. He could speak English well too and he is very helpful and always he consider about  client's interest and want so if somebody thinking about to do trek or tour in Nepal then highly i recommend to Mr Gobinda rai is best Mountains guide and trek and tour organizer in Nepal who is well experience about the first Aid,avoid from the mountain sickness and good knowledge for the Nepalese caste,culture and society.
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/gobinda.rai.169?ref=ts&fref=ts

Annapurna sanctuty trek include poon hill trek

Annapurna sanctuary trek is spectacular journey on foot to of Annapurna I.this trekking route offers to the hikers a pleasant walk through the beautiful gurung and magar village,Gurung and magar are ethnic caste among the 102 different castes of Nepal.trek start from 1070m and goes up to 4130meters in Annapurna base camp.along the trip some view point like poon hill command to the hikers to enjoy with the sunrise and sunset too,beside the sunrise and sunset trekkers can see panoramic view of Mount Dhaulagiri 8167m,manaslu 8163m,Annapurna I 8091m,Annapurna III,IV , Gangapuna 7454m,south Annapurna 7219m and one of the famous mountain fishtail 6993m that not allowed to climb because Nepali people believe as a holy mountain.when the trekkers will get in Annapurna base camp then definitely they will imagine about this place is a part of paradise because Annapurna base camp is surrounded by towering breathtaking mountains with Annapurna I,south Annapurna,barah shikhar,singh chuli,tent peak,Gandharba chuli,hiun chuli and the holy mount fishtail.
This trek normally takes 10 to 13 days but possible to minimize and maximize the hiking days.
Itinerary details
Day 1/arrival in kathmandu and transfer to hotel
Day 2/ sight seeing in kathmandu and bhaktapur
Day 3/drive or fly to Pokhara
Day 4/sight seeing in Pokhara city
Day 5/drive to nayapul 1070m and hike up to hile village1430m
Day 6/trek to Ghrepani 2860m.
Day 7/wake up early in the morning for poon hill and after breakfast continue to tadapani2630m.
Day 8/trek to chomrong village 2170m
Day 9/trek to Dovan 2600m
Day 10/trek to deurali 3200m
Day 11/trek to Annapurna base camp 4130m.
Day 12/trek to Dovan/bamboo 2600m/2310m
Day 13/trek to jhinudanda 1780m(hot-spring)
Day 14/trek to Tolka village 1700m
day 15/trek to dhampus 1650m
Day 16/trek to phedi 1130m and drive back to pokhara
Day 17 whole day rest or fly back to kathmandu/depend on trekker' holiday.
contact me at = gobinmumhong@hotmail.com
mobile =+9779846202469

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Annapurna circle trek

Annapurna circle trek is one of the classic and famous trek in Nepal that start from low region as 820meters and goes up to 5416meters known as highest pass of the world is called Thorong pass.this trekking route offers to the trekkers an encyclopedic experience about the charming land scape and snow capped mountains which are some include more than 8000meters as mount Manaslu 8163m,mount Annapurna 8091m and mount Dhaulagiri 8167meters and several mountains and peaks are also more than 7000meters and its range and glacier makes it as gold with smell.beside the incredible mountains  views trekkers will get chances to learn about Nepali ethnic caste culture,society and theirs life style who living in mountain area thus trekkers can visit to the religious places like 600 old monastery that carrying history about the beginning of Buddhist religion in mountain area of Nepal as well as manang valley.Annapurna trekking route is very rich for sight trips so trekkers can do an acclimatization and excursion to the several different view points and places that command to the trekkers to see panoramic mountain range,sunrise and sunset.after thorong pass trekkers will get to the most famous Hindu pilgrimage places called muktinath temple mean god of nirvana so trekkers can met a lot off pilgrims and sadhus in that place,after muktinath the trail goes to the kaligandaki valley via chyokar,dhong and putak are in restrict area of mustang but trekkers can hike for one day and after kagbeni village trail goes leveled with the kaligandaki river so possibilities to find the fossils that is before creation of high Himalayas.
sight trip and acclimatization in Annapurna circuit trek-Odar gown- this village is located in top of the dharapani village which is inhabit by Gurung peoples are one of the ethnic caste of Nepal.if the trekkers fallow the alternative trail from dharapani to bagrchhap then need to walk through the odar village.the word odar means "cave" and gown means village so trekkers can see the cave when ready to enter the village which is using as stable.all of the villagers fallow the Buddhism and depend on agriculture.from this village possible to see beautiful marsyandi valley,charming landscape and view of namun bhanjyang and range of lamjung himal. etc.
Namun bhanjyang-from the Timang village can do as a sight trip to namun bhanjyang but it would be adventure cause of climb up about four hours to get there so need to carry some eatable things but when we get there trekkers will feel as arrive in the paradise due to spectacular view of namun peak,range of lamjung himal, top of the Annapurna 2 and mount manaslu.
kangla danda- this trip also will be adventure trip cause of  climb up about 1600m from the ngawal village but trip will be awesome due to surrounding all Annapurna rang like Annapurna 2/4/3,gangapurna,khangsar peak,tilicho peak,chulu rang,lamjung himal range,massif view of mount manaslu and mountain from nar-phu region like himlung,kangaroo and lamuchen.
Ice-lake- the lake is situated in altitude of 4600 meter from the sea level above the Braga village and just under the chulu peak, which is very famous for to do as a sight trip or acclimatization.trip provides to see incredible mountains views and view of the manang valley.it takes one way to get there approximately 4 hours and need to climb up 1200 m from manang.
Milirepa cave- Milirepa cave is one the mystic and historical cave in the manang valley which is located in just bottom of the Annapurna three.according to history the great saint "yogi" milirepa did meditation in  this cave in early 11 century and got great wisdom and according to legend or history once a time when milirepa was meditating a beautiful deer came and lay down milirepa's lap that is chasing by a hunter then after some time the hunter also arrived there and start to dispute for  that deer but the milerepa didn't give him and start to teach about the Buddhism like "we don't have to kill any kinds of animal then immediately the hunter became milirepa's disciple and threw his bow over the cliff so still trekkers can see that bow over the cliff.it takes about 2:30 hours to get one way from manang village or braga village.
Pranken monastery- pranken monastery is located in elevation of 3900m,northern part of manang village where living the monk tashi lama,is age of 97 years.when the trekkers visit this monastery the monk aspect some money from tourist for to buy the incense and instead of that money he will give you a cup of black tea and will bliss you like good luck to thorong pass.also this place offer to enjoy good view of manang valley and Annapurna range and it glaciers.
Chyonkar view point- this view point is nearest and easiest sight trip of manang village, takes about 1:30 hour to get there.this view point is especially suitable for to see the gangapurna ice-fall lake and glacier of gangapurna but still can see the manag valley and several mountains view.
Dhumba lake-dhumba lake is lies on the way of alternative trail from jomsom-kalopani,which is very beautiful  so clean.trekkers can do as short sight trip jomsom or marpha village.
Dhaulagiri ice-fall-this sight trip can do from larjung and kokhethanti village,takes to get there about 4 hours for one way so will be like adventure sight trip but the panoramic view and the ice fall from dhaulagiri is so nice and enjoyable.
monasteries- along the trek trekkers can explore several monasteries in Annapurna circle trek before thorong pass and after pass to which are some of more than 100 years old and carrying rise up the Buddhism in manang valley and kagbeni valley.
itinerary details
Day 1 arrival in kathmandu and transfer to hotel
Dai 2 sight seeing,historical places and ancient temple and monasteries.
Day 3 drive to bensisahar 760m/6hrs
Day 4 trek to ngadi bazar via alternative trai through simalchour.
Day 5 trek to ghermu phat 1110m/5hrs
Day 6 trek to tall 1700m/5hrs
Day 7 trek to timang 2750/6hrs
Day 8 trek to chame 2670m/4hrs
Day 9 trek to pisang 3200m/5hrs
Day 10 trek to braga/manang/3500/3550m/8hrs via upper trail
Day 11 acclimatization and explore the manang valley
Day 12 trek to yak kharka 4118m/4hrs
Day 13 trek to thorong phedi 4550m/4hrs
Day 14 trek to muktinath 3800m/9 hrs pass day for thorong pass 5416m
Day 15 trek to kagbeni 2800m/5hrs
Day 16 trek to marpha 2670m/5hrs
Day 18 trek to kalopani 6hrs
Day 19 trek to tatopani 1190/6hrs via alternative trail
Day 20 trek to ghorepani 3210m/8hrs
Day 21 hike up to poon hill and trek to ulleri same day
Day 22 trek to nayapool and drive back to pokhara
Above itinerary canbe minimize and maximize.
contact me at gobinmumhong@hotmail.com